The Sephirothic Tree is sometimes depicted as a human body, thus more definitely establishing the true identity of the first, or Heavenly, Man–Adam Kadmon–the Idea of the Universe. The ten globes (Sephiroth) are then considered as analogous to the ten sacred members and organs of the Protogonos, according to the following arrangement.
Kether is the crown of the Prototypic Head and perhaps refers to the pineal gland; Chochmah and Binah are the right and left hemispheres respectively of the Great Brain; Chesed and Geburah (Pechad) are the right and left arms respectively, signifying the active creative members of the Grand Man; Tiphereth is the heart, or, according to some, the entire viscera; Netsah and Hod are the right and left legs respectively, or the supports of the world; Yesod is the generative system, or the foundation of form; and Malchuth represents the two feet, or the base of being.
Occasionally Yesod is considered as the male and Malchuth as the female generative power.

Founder of Lazarus Enterprises Group and head of strategy at Apex Media 365, also Apex Marketing Pro, a leading digital marketing firm.
We developed a system to help small businesses, and local companies connect with potential clients, and customers who truly need their goods or services, which will in-turn increase the company’s net worth with a lot more ease, and control.
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