What Is Private Duty Home Care?

Private duty home care agencies are companies that provide home care aides, companion care, homemaker services and may provide nursing services in the client's home or place of residence. “Private duty” means private pay. In other words, no government monies are used for the cost of care.

The most common methods for covering the cost of private duty home care is through long-term care insurance benefits, out of pocket, or other types of savings arrangements. The baby boomers are knocking on the door of Congress, anxiously awaiting an answer to resolve the current flaws of elderly health care in America. While congressmen continue to debate and flip through the paperwork, there is evidence of the future of home care right in your hometown. Home care is not only the newest trend in elder care, it may be the solution for the baby boomer crisis for many reasons.

Home care caregivers always meet the needs of their clients exactly when these needs are requested. This is impossible in a nursing home setting since a single caregiver/nurses aid is responsible for attending to a variety of needs of many different patients.

Most of the elderly can live their lives largely independent, with only a few hours a week for help with transportation, shopping, or bathing. Homecare gives patients the freedom to choose the level of help they desire. Even if a client needs help around the clock, homecare is the least invasive assistance available and encourages the elderly to maintain their normal daily routines and activities that they enjoy.

Annual costs of many nursing homes are not an affordable option for most of the elderly and their families. This is because nursing homes charge for housing, meals, transportation, etc. With home care, the cost is directly reflective of the level of care needed for the individual.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, a deeper level of friendship, admiration, and respect between caregivers and their clients are only obtainable through homecare services. It is important for the elderly to not only be in a safe environment, but to feel safe and comfortable… right at home. Private Pay Home Care Companies Profit Despite Recession

National Private Duty Association (NPDA) has discovered some good news for private pay home care companies during a slow economic period. A recent survey of these companies has shown that over 70 percent of businesses are projected to increase their revenues by 2025. As a reflection of this growth, 81 percent of the businesses surveyed are currently hiring caregivers to keep pace with client demand. The volume of new hires, satisfied clients, and stronger CEOs are helping this country move forward and find success in tough economic times.

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