Affiliate Marketing Happiness

easy_imgBecoming a super affiliate marketer makes most Internet marketers go “WOW.” The very dream of making tons of cash every month is the goal of most internet marketers but the reality is more than 95% of all internet marketers make less than $100 per month statistically or nothing at all and that is a total failing grade.

We as affiliate marketers want to be apart of the 3-5% of successful affiliate marketers promoting cutting edge products and services to the people who are searching for them online. But to become an affiliate marketer you need to know the basics of keyword research and know what people are searching for online through those keywords knowing the search terms and queries. Also how to promote online information effectively through PPC, blogging, word of mouth marketing through forums and social media, etc.

Money alone does not bring happiness but the fact that you are promoting a product or service that will help someone solve a problem is the lasting feeling that most online marketers should strive to achieve to gain the satisfaction of knowing you are on track to help others and not just to make a profit.

Get Into the Red Door to Successful Affiliate Marketing.
Get Into the Red Door of Successful Affiliate Marketing.

Being happy making money online does have its rewards when you're dreaming of buying a new home for your family or wanting to take a meaningful vacation far away like Egypt to see the great pyramids and stand where the pharaohs stood or visit the Holy Land to see where the stories in the Bible really took place at.

This can be achieved by being a successful Internet marketer or super affiliate having the cash rolling in to do what ever your heart desires and never forgetting to help the people that matter most. That statement may sound shallow but it is a fact that you must help others achieve success once you have found your own success.

Just think of how hard it was for you to get a roll on to achieve the success of a few affiliate sales that snow balled into a dream come true. Which took time, dedication, and patience to create content to promote other people’s products and services.

As you already know making affiliate sales is very difficult and working a regular 9-5 job will not net you the real money you desire and that is why entrepreneur spirited people are turning to leverage the internet to try and start a successful online business.

Starting an Affiliate Marketing business can bring in huge amounts of money if done right but do not buy into and hype that it is a get rich quick scheme of over night success because it is not. Although this business is on the Internet it is still a business and needs to be treated as one.

Running an affiliate marketing business requires a heck of a lot of your time, patience and effort to build up the momentum required to be successful.

You Will Be Driving the Car of Your Dreams as A Successful Internet Marketer.
You could be driving the car of your dreams as A successful Internet Marketer.

There are a few tips you can follow to create happiness in your affiliate marketing business as well:

  • Set your work hours early in the game. Working whenever you want is nice but most of us lack the self-discipline to do it. We are procrastinators by nature but you will need to set your work schedule up to achieve the success required in affiliate marking. Promoting websites requires time and patience so get busy with a dedicated schedule.
  • You need a dedicated workspace. Pick out an area in your house that will be used as a working area. It could be a room in your home that you have converted into a home office or just a quiet area in your home. Just somewhere at home that you can say, “it is time for work.” This will help put you in the right mindset to push distractions at home out the way so you can concentrate on your objectives.
Your Dedicated Workspace at Home Where You Do Your Internet Marketing
Your Dedicated Workspace at Home Where You Do Your Internet Marketing
  • You need some necessary tools and software for Affiliate Marketing. Starting an affiliate marketing business requires you to have some software to help you in your business. To be competitive you need some software programs like these; Ispionage, SEMRush, KeywordSpy, SpyFu, WhatRunsWhere, AdBeat and countless others on the market to choose from. Just do a Google search on PPC Spy Tool, Keyword Spy Tools or Ad Spy Tools in the search engine… These software programs are CLOUD based and can be accessed anywhere with a laptop and internet connection. Online software can help you in your PPC campaign strategy and help you become more competitive writing your PPC ad to sell your products and services. This one I recommend is called, PPC Web Spy by Brad Callen. With the standard version of PPC Web Spy, you will be able to analyze the 10 keywords that any Adwords advertiser is currently bidding on and see the ads that are used. You can upgrade to the platinum version to see more information, the ads, and keywords of the competitors in your niche market. Another great software is SpeedPPC, this software will automate your PPC campaign building and will allow you to create highly-targeted ad groups, ads and landing pages in minutes. SpeedPPC (Cloud Edition) Another good tool I use for keyword research is Wordtracker. It is an online software that can be used free or with a paid subscription that can reveal to you some real time high-performing keywords that target your niche market to sell products and services with great results.


  • You’re going to need some working capital. Placing contextual link ads also known as (PPC) Pay Per Click advertising requires some level of capital. Most keywords cost .50 cents – $1.00 so do the math before you advertise using this method and research some free methods as well before you get into paid search
  • Get in contact with like-minded individuals such as yourself. There are affiliate marketers out there that are in the same niche as you are. Some have achieved a level of success in a particular niche (s) and making money successfully. Making contact with these individuals and asking them for help in your affiliate marketing business is fine and sometimes a requirement.
  • Stay on top of your health. This may seem out of place but working online, you are responsible for the success of your business and if you get sick then your business will take a nosedive and suffer. The nature of your business requires you to be spending a lot of man-hours in your chair and looking into your computer monitor. You must take breaks from your work as needed and get adequate exercise to stay in shape and not be a chair potato.

And keep this in mind that anyone can achieve happiness in affiliate marketing with dedication and planning.  I will see you on the road to successful online marketing!

On the Weekends You Can Ride My Custom Harley to the Road of Success.
On the Weekends You Can Ride your Custom Harley on your Road to Success.


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