The Most High King of the Universe and his Real Name givin to TRUE ISRAEL

The true God's only name is אהיה AHAYAH (sometimes transliterated Ehyeh) meaning I AM. This is the name given to Moses along with the Law.

“And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you…this is my memorial unto all generations.”(Ex 3:14-15).

“I AM the Lord thy God…thou shalt have no other gods before me” (Exo 32:4-5).

On the Other Hand:

On the other hand we have Satan the angel of negative light is the author of confusion and goes by many names. Many of the ancient pagan deities were Satan in their purest form and his angels in other forms (“The Two Babylons,” by A. Hislop).

The Jews are not ISRAELITES and they employ a number of false names for god in their rituals, which are also alternate titles for Satan and other powerful demons.

In the same manner, the Black Arts Magician and Satanist invokes demons by name. In the Satanic Bible, Anton LaVey (who is Jewish) provides an extensive list of “infernal names” that, when summoned, provide the practitioner with super human abilities namely intelligence, power, skills in manipulation, enhanced creativity, material wealth, and the satisfaction of diverse lusts.

The name of JESUS never mentioned in the TORAH even to the end of Malachi is never mentioned but there are pastors and preachers skilled in philosophy and word skill that know the truth because of comprehension of the beginning of the TORAH and OLD TESTAMENT which simply means INSTRUCTION but most of them seek to distract you with lies and confusion because of their own wants and needs materially so they promote the name of SATAN who is JESUS/TAMMUZ/OSIRIS/JUPITER/ZEUS/HERMES/MAMMON/APOLLYON/APOLLO and we could go on and on with the magical and mysterious names of SATAN AND HIS LESSOR OR GREATER ANGELS.

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