ITANIMULLI mirror ILLUMINATI – German Jesuits

denethgilnE eht fo emoH – airavaB fo sreeS detanimullI tneicnA

illuminati Order – NHSH Brotherhood of the Snake – ACADEMIA OMNILUX] This is the Order, Home and School for all true Sorcerers, Magicians and Warlocks of

Spelled backwards, this is illuminati is a National Security Agencies website,

Tne National Security Agencies is ” a cryptologic intelligence agency of the United States Department of Defense responsible for the collection and analysis of foreign communications and foreign signals intelligence, as well as protecting U.S. government communications and information systems, [1] which involves cryptanalysis and cryptography” according to wikipedia.

NSA says its “mission” is “The NSA/CSS core missions are to protect U.S. national security systems and to produce foreign signals intelligence information.” See

But all you need to know about it is here:

Arthur Goldwag is a blogger who does a whole ‘column' about it. He points out: “WordPress has a feature on its stats page that shows me the search terms that people use to find me and “itanimulli” is one of the biggest … Other people took the next step and investigated. They swiftly discovered that a computer geek named John Fenley, who lives in Provo, Utah, purchased the domain name “Itanimulli” and is redirecting visitors to the NSA.”

John Fenley, who owns the website you asked about, revealed at one point the reason you get the NSA if you type in “itanimulli”: He “decided to forward the domain domain to the NSA as a joke.”

Some people believe the U.S. Government has these supernatural powers. This is a hoax. Now you too have been illuinated.


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