Exposing the Gate Keepers – The Boule

Sigma Pi Phi is generally considered to be the first African-American Greek-lettered organization. Sigma Pi Phi was founded in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on May 15, 1904. The fraternity quickly established chapters (referred to as “member boules”) in Chicago, IL and then Baltimore, MD. The founders included two doctors, a dentist, and a physician. When Sigma Pi Phi was founded, black professionals were not offered participation in the professional and cultural associations organized by the white community. Sigma Pi Phi has over 5,000 members and 112 chapters throughout the United States and the West Indies.

Membership to Sigma Pi Phi is highly exclusive, the number only about 5,000. The organization is known as “the Boule,” which means “a council of noblemen.” Founded as an organization for professionals, Sigma Pi Phi never established college chapters and eliminated undergraduate membership during its infant stages. However, Sigma Pi Phi has historically had a congenial relationship with college Black Greek-Letter Organizations, as many members of Sigma Pi Phi are members of both. Sigma Pi Phi founder Henry McKee Minton and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. were both members of Alpha Phi Alpha, while Arthur Ashe was a member of Kappa Alpha Psi. Vernon Jordan, Jr. is a member of Omega Psi Phi. James Weldon Johnson was a member of Phi Beta Sigma, as is civil rights leader and a member of Congress John Lewis (D-GA). Members of Sigma Pi Phi have provided leadership and service during the Great Depression, World War I, World War II, the Civil Rights Movement, and addressed social issues such as urban housing, and other economic, cultural, and political issues affecting people of African descent.

Some Notable Famous Members

Members of Sigma Pi Phi include co-founder of the NAACP  W. E. B. Du Bois, Former NAACP President Kweisi Mfume, former United Nations Ambassador Ralph Bunche, former Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young, former Virginia Governor L. Douglas Wilder, NASA Administrator Charles Bolden, American Express President Kenneth Chenault, Bobby Scott, Ken Blackwell, Ron Brown (deceased), Vernon Jordan, Jr., Arthur Ashe, Mel Watt, and Hank Aaron, Numerous other American leaders are among the men who have adopted the fraternity’s purpose of “creating a forum wherein they could pursue social and intellectual activities in the company of peers.” Sigma Pi Phi is also open to members of all races, as can be demonstrated by its well known Jewish member Jack Greenberg who succeeded Thurgood Marshall as General Counsel of the NAACP. Lawrence Otis Graham talks about the organization, and his membership, in his book Our Kind of People: Inside America's Black Upper Class. John Baxter Taylor, Jr. – First African-American Gold Medalist

“Thanks to the research done by the late Mr. Steve Cokely, Rest In Peace, we have found that there is a black secret society that has been closely associated with maintaining the grip of white supremacy on Hebrews or so-called people of color. These same secret societies, these house negroes answer to, have a long history rooted in the physical and mental enslavement of “Hebrews Israelites/ So-called Negro's, Brownies or Copper Tones” around the globe. This black “secret society” is called the Boule' aka. Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated, founded May 15, 1904, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

This group of so-called Up To Do African-American's still refer to themselves as Negroes, the irony of slavery but they are Up to Do and superior among their peers and gatekeepers for the powerful corporate whites they work for.

The name Boule' is a Greek term, meaning “advisor's to the king”. The question is, who is this king that they advise¿!?  The king The Black Handthat they advise, or protect, are the white secret societies responsible for white supremacy: the first white Greek fraternity, Phi Beta Kappa, the Illuminati, Rhodes/Rothschild secret society, Skull & Bones, the Masons, York Rite etc., the Round Table Groups, The New World Order, The Rockefella Foundation, CFR, One World Government, the Carnegie, Mellon, Rhodes, Milner's Kindergarten, The Rhodes Crown, Times Crown, All Souls Group, Clevedine Sect, and numerous other wealthy family organizations (all are simply alias' and go by many names, but consist of same members and ideology). These white supremacy BEASTS have raped, murdered & colonized our people for hundreds of years and their children continue the genocide against people of color around the globe. Referenced from: Lets Roll Community Forums. 24 January 2008. Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity.

This is the 1st black fraternity in America and was before the 1st black “college” frat, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated which was founded on December 4, 1906. The Boule' is a black GREEK secret society based on another secret society founded at Yale University called Skull & Bones. The Boule's primary founder was Dr. Henry Minton (along with Dr.'s Eugene T. Henson, Edwin Clarence Howard, Algernon Brashear Jackson, Robert Jones Abele and Richard John Warrick), of Philadelphia. The founding member of the New York City chapter, W.E.B. Du Bois said the Boule' was created to “keep the black professional away from the ranks of Marcus Garvey.” (One thing that needs to be pointed out is the time period. At the founding of the Boule', it was also a time Marcus Garvey's “Back to Afrika” movement was reaching a million plus people without tv or radio.). DuBois


emphasized, as late Steve Cokely stated, “the importance to steal the black professional away from Garvey because an Afrocentric organization that articulated and captured the black professional would give YT no safe haven in the black community, so the Boule' — the remaking of the house negro was necessary to build a group of negroes who had an investment in protecting the white system as produced by YT having stolen this land…This is post reconstruction. Taking away the articulate negro, now desiring to replace them with organized institutions to keep them away from self-improvement. So we find in the same period, as the founding of the Boule, the founding of the 4 black male (Alpha Phi Alpha, Kappa Alpha Psi, Omega Psi Phi, and Phi Beta Sigma) and 4 black female (Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta, Zeta Phi Beta, and Sigma Gamma Rho) college-based fraternities and sororitiesWe also find the founding of the NAACP and National Urban League.

Henry McKee Minton (1871)

Henry_McKee_Minton Boule Man
Henry McKee Minton, Born (1871)

Founding member of the Boule society “Henry McKee Minton was the leading figure in the discussions about organizing a group for such purposes. Henry Minton was born in Columbia, South Carolina, on Christmas Day in 1871. He went to school at the Academy at Howard University and, eventually, Phillips Exeter Academy, from which he graduated in 1891. Minton studied law for a year and then went to pharmacy school at the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, from which he graduated in 1895. Minton then received the M. D. degree from Jefferson Medical College in 1906.

The Role of the Boule – Gatekeepers- in the African-American Community

Black Secret Societies The Boule – Sigma Pi Phi

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